  \begin{definition}[Common Instance]
  instance: & terms $s$, $t$ \\[.5ex]
  question: & $\exists$
  $\mathstrut\text{substitutions $\sigma$, $\tau$}\colon ~ s\sigma = t\tau$ ?

    \alert{most general} common instance (\alert{mgci})
    is at least as general as any other common instance 

  We can compute the most general common instance as follows:
    \item let $\gamma$ be a renaming of the variables in $t$\\ such that $s$ and $t\gamma$ have no variables in common
    \item if $\rho$ is the mgu for $s$ and $t\gamma$, then $s\rho = t\gamma\rho$ is the mgci for $s$ and $t$
%   \pause
%     \item if $\sigma$ exists, then $s\sigma = t (\gamma\sigma)$ is the mgci\\
%           (with substitutions $\sigma$ and $\gamma\sigma$, respectively)