    A \alert<1>{rewrite rule} (\alert<1>{$\ell \to r$}) is a pair $(\ell,r)$ of terms such that
    \makebox[4cm][l]{$\ell \notin \VV$} (the lhs is not a variable)
    \makebox[4cm][l]{$\Var(r) \subseteq \Var(\ell)$} (all variables in the rhs occur in the lhs)
    The terms $\ell$ and $r$ are called left-hand side (lhs) and right-hand side (rhs).
  A \alert<2>{term rewrite system} (\alert<2>{TRS}) is pair $\TRS$ consisting
  \makebox[1cm][l]{$\FF$} signature
  \makebox[1cm][l]{$\RR$} set of rewrite rules between terms in
  TRS $\TRS$ with signature $\FF$
  \mG{0} ~ (\text{constant}) \qquad
  \mG{s} ~ (\text{unary}) \qquad
  \mG{add} ~ (\text{binary})
  $\arity{\m{0}} = 0$, $\arity{\m{s}} = 1$, $\arity{\m{add}} = 2$, and rewrite rules $\RR$
  \m{add}(\m{0},y) & \to & y \\[.5ex]
  \m{add}(\m{s}(x),y) & \to & \m{s}(\m{add}(x,y)) 
