  \frametitle{Fourth Normal Form}

  \begin{block}{Fourth Normal Form (4NF)}
    A relation is in \emph{Fourth Normal Form (4NF)} if every MVD 
      $A_1, \dots, A_n \mvd B_1,\dots, B_m$
    \item either trivial, or
    \item implied by a key.
  This definition of 4NF is very similar to BCNF  but with a
  focus on implied MVDs (not FDs).
    Since every FD is also an MVD, 4NF is
    stronger than BCNF.\\
      That is, if a relation is in 4NF, it is automatically in BCNF.
    However, it is not very common that 4NF is violated, but BCNF is not.