
    A store sells 100 blu-ray players per week for $200$\$ each.
    A market survey shows that for each $10$\$ discount, the store would sell $40$ more players per week. 
    The store buys the players at a price of $150$\$ per piece.
    What selling price would maximize the profit of the store?

    Introducing notation:
      \item let $x$ be the discount
      \item let $s$ be the number of players sold, and $p$ the profit
      s(x) &= \mpause[1]{100 + 40\cdot \frac{x}{10}} \mpause{ = 100 + 4x}\\[-.5ex]
      \mpause{p(x) &= }\mpause{s(x) \cdot (200 - x - 150)} \mpause{ = (100 + 4x) \cdot (50-x)}\\[-.5ex]
      \mpause{&= -4x^2 + 100x + 5000} \hspace{1cm} \mpause{\text{for $x$ in $[\mpause[8]{0},\mpause[8]{50}]$}}\\[-.5ex]
      \mpause[9]{p'(x) &= -8x + 100} \hspace{1cm} \mpause{p'(x) = 0 \;\iff\; }\mpause{x=12.5}
    Note that $p(x)$ is continuous\pause, and\vspace{-1ex}
      p(0) &= \mpause[1]{5000} &
      p(12.5) &= \mpause[2]{5625} &
      p(50) = \mpause[1]{0}
        \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
          \draw[cgreen] plot[smooth,domain=0:5,samples=100] function{(100 + 4*10*x) * (50-10*x)/1000};
    By the Closed Interval Method, \alert{$12.5$\$ discount for maximal profit}.\hspace*{-10ex}