  \frametitle{Limit: Caution with Calculators}

    Guess the value of
      \lim_{x\to 0} \frac{\sqrt{x^2 + 9} -3}{x^2}
      \draw[cgreen,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-5:5,samples=20] function{(sqrt(x**2 + 9) -3) / (x**2)};
      \node[exclude={cgreen}] at (\x,\y) {};
      \draw[cgreen,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-.5:.5,samples=20] function{(sqrt(x**2 + 9) -3) / (x**2)};
      \node[exclude={cgreen}] at (\x,\y) {};
    $x$ & $f(x)$ \\
    $\pm 1.0$ & $0.16228$ \\
    $\pm 0.5$ & $0.16553$ \\
    $\pm 0.1$ & $0.16662$ \\
    $\pm 0.01$ & $0.16667$ \\
    $\pm 0.0001$ & $0.20000$ \\
    $\pm 0.00001$ & $0.00000$ \\
    $\pm 0.000001$ & $0.00000$ \\
    Is the limit $0$? \pause \alert{NO}
    Problem: calculator gives wrong values!
%     The calculator has only a fixed number of digits, and needs to round.
    For small $x$ it rounds $\sqrt{x^2+9} - 3$ to $0$.
      The correct limit is $\frac{1}{6} = 0.166666 \ldots$
