  \frametitle{Power Functions: Special Cases}
  We consider $x^n$ with $n$ a positive integer.
    \item For even $n$ the graph similar to the parabola $x^2$.
    \item For odd $n$ the graph looks similar to $x^3$.
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
    \draw[cblue] plot[smooth,domain=-1.27:1.27,samples=20] (\x,{pow(\x,3)});
    \draw[cred] plot[smooth,domain=-1.15:1.15,samples=20] (\x,{pow(\x,5)});
    \draw[cgreen] plot[smooth,domain=-1.08:1.08,samples=20] (\x,{pow(\x,9)});
    \draw[cblue] (-2.1cm,-2.8cm) -- node [at end,right] {$x^3$} +(.8cm,0);
    \draw[cred] (-.6cm,-2.8cm) -- node [at end,right] {$x^5$} +(.8cm,0);
    \draw[cgreen] (.9cm,-2.8cm) -- node [at end,right] {$x^9$} +(.8cm,0);
    \node (a) [include=black,minimum size=1mm] at (1,1) {};
    \node[r=(a)] {$(1,1)$};
    \node (b) [include=black,minimum size=1mm] at (-1,-1) {};
    \node[l=(b)] {$(-1,-1)$};
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
    \draw[cblue] plot[smooth,domain=-1.75:1.75,samples=20] (\x,{pow(\x,2)});
    \draw[cred] plot[smooth,domain=-1.32:1.32,samples=20] (\x,{pow(\x,4)});
    \draw[cgreen] plot[smooth,domain=-1.2:1.2,samples=20] (\x,{pow(\x,6)});
    \draw[cblue] (-2.1cm,-1.8cm) -- node [at end,right] {$x^2$} +(.8cm,0);
    \draw[cred] (-.6cm,-1.8cm) -- node [at end,right] {$x^4$} +(.8cm,0);
    \draw[cgreen] (.9cm,-1.8cm) -- node [at end,right] {$x^6$} +(.8cm,0);

    \node (a) [include=black,minimum size=1mm] at (1,1) {};
    \node[r=(a)] {$(1,1)$};
    If $n$ increases, then the graph of $x^n$ becomes
    flatter near $0$, and steeper for $|x| \ge 1$.