  \frametitle{Infinite Terms as Metric Space}
  We define a \alert{metric} $\alert{d}$ on $\iter$ by:
    d(s,t) = 2^{-|p|} \text{ where $p$ is the highest position such that $s(p) \ne t(p)$}
  Note that $d(s,t) = 0 \;\Longleftrightarrow\; s = t$.
    \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=6mm,inner sep=0.5mm,sibling distance=10mm]
    \node (s) {$f$}
      child { node {$c$} 
        child { node {$c$} 
          child { node {$c$} 
            child { node {$c$} 
              child { node {$\vdots$} 
      child { node {$c$} 
        child { node (b) {$b$} 
    \node [left of=s,node distance=7mm] {$s = $};
    \node (t) [right of=s,node distance=30mm]{$f$}
      child { node {$c$} 
        child { node {$c$} 
          child { node {$c$} 
            child { node {$c$} 
              child { node {$\vdots$} 
      child { node {$c$} 
        child { node (c) {$c$} 
          child { node {$b$} 
    \node [left of=t,node distance=7mm] {$t = $};
  The first difference is at depth $2$, hence $d(s,t) = 2^{-2} = 0.25$.