  \frametitle{Local Confluence}
  \begin{block}{Critical Pair Lemma}
  A TRS is locally confluent (WCR) \quad$\iff$\quad all critical pairs are convergent.
    WCR and CR are decidable properties for terminating, finite TRSs.
  For terminating $R$ we have $\text{CR} \Leftrightarrow \text{WCR}$.
  We decide WCR as follows:

  For every $s \cp t \in \CP(\atrs)$ we check $s \join t$ by computing:
    \item the set of reducts of $s$: $\to(s) = \{s' \mid s\to^* s'\}$, and
    \item the set of reducts of $t$: $\to(t) = \{t' \mid t\to^* t'\}$.
  (In a finite, terminating TRS every term has only only finitely many reducts.)
  Then $s \join t$ if and only if ${\to(s)} \cap {\to(t)} \ne \emptyset$.