  \frametitle{Queries in Databases: Tuple Model}
  \begin{goal}{Tuple Model}
    In this model, the \emph{rows are objects} themselves (tuples).
    A unary predicate \textit{Person} tells if a row belongs to table Persons:
    Functions symbols for every column of the table:
      \text{Pid}(x) && \text{Name}(x) && \text{City}(x)
    (project the tuple/row to one of its arguments $\langle\; y_1,\ldots,y_n\;\rangle \mapsto y_i$)

  We can formulate \emph{queries using the function symbols}.
    The names of people living in Amsterdam:
      \{\; y \;\mid\; 
        &\myex{x}{\big( \text{\textit{Person}}(x) \wedge \text{Name}(x) = y \wedge \text{City}(x) = \text{Amsterdam}} \big) \; \}
    or equivalently
      \{\; \text{Name}(x) \;\mid\; 
        &\text{\textit{Person}}(x) \wedge \text{City}(x) = \text{Amsterdam} \; \}