\begin{frame}[fragile]{Simple Core Language (Syntax, Operational Meaning)}
      \aprogcxt \;\; {::=}  \;\; &
        }_{{\parbox{8ex}{\scriptsize\centering atomic\\ command}}}  
        }_{{\text{control structures}}}
    \alert{Assignment statement} $\mb{\Assign{x}{\aexp}}$:
      \item evaluates integer expression $\mb{\aexp}$ in current state
      \item overwrites current value stored in $\mb{x}$ by that result
    \alert{Sequential composition} $\SeqComp{\aprogcxti{1}}{\aprogcxti{2}}$:
      \item begins with executing $\aprogcxti{1}$
      \item if this does not terminate,\\\hspace*{1.5ex} then the run of $\SeqComp{\aprogcxti{1}}{\aprogcxti{2}}$ does not terminate
      \item otherwise the run continues by executing $\aprogcxti{2}$\\\hspace*{1.5ex}
            in the (storage) state resulting from the execution of $\aprogcxti{1}$     
    \alert{If-then-else statement} $\IfThenElse{\mb{\aboolexp}}{\aprogcxti{1}}{\aprogcxti{2}}$:
      \item evaluates boolean expression $\mb{\aboolexp}$ in the current state
      \item if the result is true, then $\aprogcxti{1}$ is executed;
      \item otherwise $\aprogcxti{2}$ is executed.
    \alert{While-do statement} $\WhileDo{\mb{\aboolexp}}{\aprogcxt}$:
      \item boolean expression $\mb{\aboolexp}$ is evaluated in the current state
      \item if $\mb{\aboolexp}$ evaluates to false, then the command terminates
      \item otherwise, command $\aprogcxt  $ will be executed.
      \item if that execution terminates, then we resume at \mb{(a)}