  \frametitle{Decision Problems: Examples}

  \begin{alertblock}{\firebrick{Prime Problem}}
    Determine whether a \emph{number is prime}:
      \item input: a natural number \forestgreen{$n$}
      \item output: \emph{yes} if \forestgreen{$n$} is prime, \emph{no} otherwise
  \begin{alertblock}{\firebrick{Termination Problem}}
    Decide whether a \emph{program terminates}:  
      \item input: a program \forestgreen{$P$} and input \forestgreen{$w$}
      \item output: \alert{yes} if \forestgreen{$P$} started with input \forestgreen{$w$} terminates, \alert{no} else
    (Termination means that the program does not run forever.)

  \begin{alertblock}{\firebrick{Validity Problem}}
    Determine whether a \emph{formula is valid}:
      \item input: a formula $\forestgreen{\phi}$ of predicate logic
      \item output: \alert{yes} if $\forestgreen{\phi}$ is valid, \alert{no} otherwise