\begin{frame}[t]{Correctness Theorem}
  \begin{block}{Theorem (Correctness of $\sderives$ with respect to $\ssatisfies$)}
    For all formulas\/ $\aform$, and every set\/ $\asetforms$ of formulas:
      \asetforms \derives \aform \;\;\;\Longrightarrow\;\;\; \asetforms \satisfies \aform  
  Reformulation and explanation:

    If there is a natural deduction derivation of $\aform$ from $\asetforms$,
    then there is no model $\model{\amodel}$
    in which all formulas of $\asetforms$ are true, but $\aform$ is false.

    The derivation rules are \emph{correct} in this sense:
    It is \alert{not possible} to derive
    a \alert{false} conclusion $\aform$
    from \alert{true} premises $\asetforms$.
    Truth in a model is preserved under making deductions.

  Proof of the theorem: by \emph{induction on derivation lengths}.  