\begin{frame}[t]{The Combination of $\:\formula{\sexists}\:$ and $\,\formula{\slogand}\,$}
  Another frequent combination is that of $\,\formula{\sexists}\,$ and $\,\formula{\slogand}$, as in 
  \begin{block}{We specify meanings for \ldots}
      \formula{\unpred{L}{x}} & \funin \sentence{\black{$x$} is a logician}
      \formula{\const{r}} & \funin \sentence{Rosalie}
      \formula{\binpred{K}{x}{y}} & \funin \sentence{\black{$x$} knows \black{$y$}}
      \formula{\const{j}} & \funin \sentence{Jan}
  We translate the formula 
  step by step:
      \item for some \black{$x$} it holds that \black{$x$} is a logician, and that \black{$x$} is clever
      \item there is an \black{$x$} that is logician and clever
      \item there is a clever logician
      \item \textit{some} logicians are clever