  \frametitle{Inconsistent Set of Formulas (Example)}

  The set $\Gamma = \setexp{ \aform, \, \formula{{\binpred{loves}{\const{alma}}{\const{alma}}}} }$ is \emph{inconsistent}:
    Suppose that $\model{\amodel}$ is a model with 
    $\model{\amodel} \satisfies  \formula{{\binpred{loves}{\const{alma}}{\const{alma}}}}$.
    Then in $\model{\amodel}$:
        Alma is a lover of Alma.\pause{} 
        Alma is a lover of a lover of Alma.\pause{} 
        Alma is a lover's lover of Alma who loves Alma.\pause{}
    $\model{\amodel} \satisfiesnot \aform$.
    Hence there is no model satisfying both formulas in the set.

  Translation into Predicate Logic\\[.75ex]
  and the Interplay of Quantifiers