\begin{frame}{A Simple Model}

  \begin{exampleblock}{\black{$\asetfuncs = \setexp{ \const{c}{\scriptstyle /0} }$,
                              $\asetpreds = \setexp{ \sunpred{P}{\scriptstyle /1}, \, \sbinpred{R}{\scriptstyle /2} }$}}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[point/.style={circle,fill=black!60!white,draw=none,inner sep=2pt,minimum size=4mm},
       node distance=26mm]
      \node (1) [point] {};
      \node (3) [point,fill,%green!50!black, 
                       below right of =1] {};}{
      \node (3) [point,fill=forestgreen,%green!50!black, 
                       below right of =1] {};}
      \node (2) [point, above right of=3] {};
      % \node at ($(1)!.5!(2) + (0mm,-20mm)$) {A};
      \node at (1) [xshift=-6mm] {$a_1$};
      \node at (2) [xshift=6mm] {$a_2$};
      \node at (3) [xshift=5mm] {$a_3$};
      \begin{scope}[shorten <= 2mm, shorten >= 2mm, very thick, >=stealth]
      \draw [->] (3) to[out=-140,in=-40,looseness=10] (3);
      \draw [->] (1) to (2);
       \draw [->] (1) to (3);
       \draw [->] (3) to (2);
      \begin{scope}[circ/.style={circle,draw=mediumblue,very thick,inner sep=0,minimum size=6mm}]
        \node at (1) [circ] {};
        \node at (2) [circ] {};    
      \node [left of=1,node distance=17mm,yshift=8mm] {\Large $\model{\amodel}$};
      \draw [rounded corners=5mm,thick,dashed] 
                 ($(1) + (-12mm,10mm)$) rectangle ($(2) + (12mm,-32mm)$);
        $\intin{\const{c}}{\model{\amodel}}$: $\,$ \textcolor{forestgreen}{green} point
        $\intin{\sunpred{P}}{\model{\amodel}}$: $\,$ \textcolor{mediumblue}{blue} circles
        $\intin{\sbinpred{R}}{\model{\amodel}}$: $\,$ arrows
    \uncover<5->{is a model $\model{\amodel}$ with:}
        domain $\model{\adomain} = \{a_1,a_2,a_3\}$
        $\intin{\const{c}}{\model{\amodel}} = a_3$
        $\intin{\sunpred{P}}{\model{\amodel}} = \{a_1,a_2\}$
        $\intin{\sbinpred{R}}{\model{\amodel}} = \bigl\{\langle a_1,a_2\rangle ,\langle a_1,a_3\rangle ,
          \langle a_3,a_2\rangle ,\langle a_3,a_3\rangle \bigr\}$

\theme{Interpretation \\[1ex]
  {\large of formulas \alert{without} quantifiers and free variables}}