  \frametitle{How to interpret formulas in predicate logic?}
  Simple formulas in predicate logic:  
    \item $\formula{\binpred{R}{\const{a}}{\const{b}}}$
    \item $\formula{\forallst{x}{(\logor{\unpred{P}{x}}{\unpred{Q}{x}})}}$
    \item $\formula{\forallst{x}{\, (x \mathrel{\sbinpred{\le}} {x \mathrel{\sfunc{\boldsymbol{\cdot}}} \const{e}}) }}$ 
  What can we say about their \emph{meaning} and \emph{truth values}?\pause{}
    These depend on:
        the domain of quantification
        the interpretation of the predicate symbols $\sbinpred{R},\, \sunpred{P},\, \sunpred{Q},\, \sbinpred{\le}$
        the interpretation of the constants $\const{a},\,\const{b},\,\const{e}$
        the interpretation of the function symbol $\,\sfunc{\boldsymbol{\cdot}}\,$
  Different interpretations can make these formulas true or false.
  We need a concept of \emph{model} for the interpretation of formulas. 