  \frametitle{Proof Theory $(\,\sderives\,)$ $\,$ versus Semantics $\,$ $(\,\ssatisfies\,)$}
  \begin{block}{\emph{Proof theory} with entailment $\,\sderives$}
        rules prove \alert{operative} explanation to logical symbols 
        gives an \alert{existential characterisation} of the formulas\\ that are true in a logic:
          \aformi{1}, \ldots, \aformi{n} \derives \aform
          &\text{\alert{there exists} a derivation of $\aform$} \\[-.5ex]
          &\text{from premises $\aformi{1},\ldots,\aformi{n}$}
        convenient for \alert{positive} arguments: give a derivation
  \begin{block}{\emph{Semantics} with entailment $\,\ssatisfies$}
        gives \alert{meaning} to logical symbols
        gives a \alert{universal characterisation} of the formulas\\ that are true in a logic:
          \aformi{1}, \ldots, \aformi{n} \satisfies \aform
          &\text{\alert{all} models that satisfy $\aformi{1},\ldots,\aformi{n}$,}\\[-.5ex]
          &\text{also satisfy $\aform$}   
        convenient for \alert{negative} arguments: give a counter model     