  \frametitle{Formulas and Logic Connectives}

  In predicate logic, the role of propositional variables is taken over by
  the \aemph{atomic formulas} 
  with object/predicate-structure:
  The \emph{atomic formulas} are predicates over objects:
    \item $P(x)$
    \item $R(x,y)$

    Logic connectives $\;\neg,\; \vee,\; \wedge,\; \to\;$ keep their role.
    We can build \emph{formulas} using propositional connectives,
    starting from the smallest building blocks of atomic formulas:
      \item $P(x)$\quad\quad\pause\hint{($x$ is green)}
      \item $P(x) \wedge R(x,y)$\quad\quad\pause\hint{($x$ is green and $x$ knows $y$)}
      \item $R(x,y) \to \neg R(y,x)$\quad\quad\pause\hint{(if $x$ knows $y$ then $y$ does not know $x$)}
  \begin{goal}{Predicate logic is more expressive}
    In propositional logic, we could only state $p$, $p \wedge q$, $p \to \neg q$.