  \frametitle{Object Relational Mapping}
  \begin{goal}{Object Relational Mapping}
    Maps rows in tables to objects:
      \item table $\approx$ class
      \item row $\approx$ object
      \item foreign key navigation $\approx$ pointers / references
      +name \\
    \node [align=left,fill=blue!10,rectangle,rounded corners=1mm,dashed,draw,inner sep=2mm] at (-6.5,0) {
      \small\texttt{public class Event \{}\\
      \small\texttt{\ \ String getName();}\\
      \small\texttt{\ \ String getDate();}\\
      \small\texttt{\ \ Venue getVenue();}\\
    \node [align=center,draw,fill=red!10] (m) at (-2.8,0cm) {mapping};
    \draw [ultra thick,red,->,>=triangle 45] (m) -- +(1.7cm,0cm);
    \draw [ultra thick,red,->,>=triangle 45] (m) -- +(-1.7cm,0cm);
    \item mapping from objects to database (automatic or designed)
    \item run-time library handles interaction with the database
  Many ORM toolkits: Hybernate, RubyOnRails, ADO.NET,\ldots