  \frametitle{Optimising Performance}
  Suppose you have a typical log of queries for your database.
  For each query in the log:
    \item Analyse average time and variance for this type of query.
        \item Long delays or frequent aborts may indicate contention.
    \item Is it is a read-only or updating query?
       \item Compute the read-sets and write-sets.
        \item Will it require row or table locks? Shared or exclusive?

  How do read- and write-sets of the different queries intersect?
    \item What is the chance of conflicts? (delays/rollbacks)
    Once you understand your query workload, you might improve performance by:
      \item Rewriting queries to have smaller read- and write-sets.
      \item Change scheduling of queries to reduce contention.\\
        \remark{E.g. rewrite applications to do large aggregation queries at night.}
      \item Use a different isolation level for the queries.