  \frametitle{Phantom Row Problem}

    \emph{Transaction 1} & \emph{Transaction 2}  & \emph{Effect} \\
    & & \\[-1ex]
    \emph{scan} relation R & & $T_1$ locks all rows\\
    & \emph{insert} new row into R & $T_2$ locks new row\\
    & commit & $T_2$'s lock released\\
    \emph{scan} relation R & & reads \emph{new} row too!\\
  Both transactions properly follow the 2 PL protocol!
  Nevertheless, $T_1$ observed an effect caused by $T_2$. 
    \item Isolation violated!
    \item Cause of the problem: \emph{$T_1$ can only lock existing rows}.
      \item \emph{multi-granularity locking} (locking the table)
      \item \emph{declarative locking}: key-range or predicate locking