  \frametitle{Detecting Conflicts}
  Now suppose an updating query comes in:
  \begin{code}{\textwidth}{$Q_3$: update request}
  The query $Q_3$ will try to:
    \item obtain an \emph{IX lock} on the \emph{database}
    \item obtain an \emph{IX lock} on the \emph{table} \sql{Customers}
  Afterwards obtain an \emph{X lock} on the \emph{row} with \sql{id = 17}.
    \item compatible with $Q_1$ \\(no conflict between IS of $Q_1$ and IX lock of $Q_3$ on table)
    \item \alert{incompatible} with $Q_2$\\ (\alert{conflict} between S lock of $Q_2$ and IX lock of $Q_3$ on table)