  \frametitle{Ensuring Serializability}
  So far, we have seen a sufficient condition that
  allows us to check whether a schedule is serializable.
    But how to ensure serializability \emph{during runtime}?
  \emph{Challenge:} the system does not know in advance which transactions
   will run and which items they will access.

  \begin{goal}{Different \emph{strategies} for ensuring serializability}
      \item \emph{Pessimistic}
          \item lock-based concurrency control (needs deadlock detection)
          \item timestamp based concurrency control (not discussed here)
      \item \emph{Optimistic}
          \item read-set/write-set tracking
          \item validation before commit (transaction might abort)
      \item \emph{Multi-version techniques}
          \item less concurrency control overhead for read-only queries