  \frametitle{Checking Conflict-Serializability}
    Given a schedule we can create a \emph{precedence graph}:
      \item The graph has a node for each transaction.
      \item There is an edge from $T_1$ to $T_2$ if there is a conflicting
        action between $T_1$ and $T_2$ in which $T_1$ occurs first.
      \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=15mm]
          \node (t1) at (6.5cm,-\scheduleHeight) {$T_1$}; 
          \node (t2) [right of=t1] {$T_2$}; 
          \draw [very thick,->] (t1) to[bend left=30] (t2);
          \draw [very thick,->] (t2) to[bend left=30] (t1);
          \node (t1) at (6.5cm,-\scheduleHeight) {$T_1$}; 
          \node (t2) [right of=t1] {$T_2$}; 
          \draw [very thick,<-] (t1) -- (t2);
          \node (t1) at (6.5cm,-\scheduleHeight) {$T_1$}; 
          \node (t3) [below right of=t1] {$T_3$}; 
          \node (t2) [above right of=t3] {$T_2$}; 
          \draw [very thick,->] (t1) -- (t2);
          \draw [very thick,->] (t2) -- (t3);