  \frametitle{Concurrent Access: Dirty Read}
  Again, my wife and I are doing a transaction at the same time.
  This time, \emph{my transaction gets cancelled}!
  \begin{exampleblock}{Concurrent ATM Transaction}
      & \emph{my wife}
      & \emph{state} \\
    $\var{balance} \set \fun{read}(\var{account})$
     & 1200 \\
    $\var{balance} \set \var{balance}-100$
     & 1200 \\
    $\fun{write}(\var{account}, \var{balance})$
     & 1100 \\
     & $\var{balance} \set \fun{read}(\var{account})$
     & 1100 \\
     & $\var{balance} \set \var{balance}-200$
     & 1100 \\
     & 1200 \\
     & $\fun{write}(\var{account}, \var{balance})$
     & 900 \\
    My wife's transaction has read the modified balance
    before my transaction was \emph{rolled back} (i.e., the effects are undone).

    This is known as \emph{dirty read anomaly}.