  \frametitle{Concurrent Access: Lost Update}
  My wife and I have \emph{credit cards for the same account}.
  What if we use the cards at the same time (\emph{concurrently})?
  \begin{exampleblock}{Concurrent ATM Transaction}
%     I withdraw 100 Euro, my wife 200 Euros.\\[.5ex]
    \emph{me (withdraws 100)} 
      & \emph{my wife (withdraws 200)}
      & \emph{state} \\
    $\balance{1200} \set \fun{read}(\var{account})$
     & 1200 \\[-1.5ex]
     & $\balance{1200} \set \fun{read}(\var{account})$
     & 1200 \\[-1.5ex]
    $\balance{1100} \set \balance{1200}-100$
     & 1200 \\[-1.5ex]
     & $\balance{1000} \set \balance{1200}-200$
     & 1200 \\[0ex]
     & $\fun{write}(\var{account}, \balance{1000})$
     & 1000 \\[-1.5ex]
    $\fun{write}(\var{account}, \balance{1100})$
     & 1100 \\
    The update of my wife was lost during this execution. Lucky me!

    This is known as \emph{lost update anomaly}.