  \frametitle{Sorting Output}
      Homework Results sorted by exercise (best result first).  In
      case of a tie, sort alphabetically by student name.
  \item First, compare \sql{R.number}.
  \item If the first criterion leads to a tie,
        compare \sql{points \textbf{desc}}.
  \item If we still have a tie, compare \sql{S.last}.
  \item If we still have a tie, compare \sql{S.first}.
        \hd{number} & \hd{points} & \hd{first} & \hd{last} \\ \hline
        1 & 10 & George & Orwell \\ 
        1 & 9 & Elvis & Presley \\ 
        1 & 5 & Lisa & Simpson \\ 
        2 & 9 & Elvis & Presley \\ 
        2 & 8 & George & Orwell \\