  \frametitle{Group By}
    ``Group by'' \emph{partitions} the rows of
    a table into \emph{disjoint groups}:
      \item based on \emph{value equality for the \sql{group by} attributes}.
    Aggregation functions applied for each group separately.
  \begin{code}{\textwidth}{Average points for \underline{each} homework}
          \hd{number} & \hd{avg(points)} 
          1 & 8 \\
          2 & 8.5  \\
  All tuples agreeing in their \sql{number} values for a group:
      \hd{sid} & \hd{category} & \hd{number} & \hd{points}  
      101 & homework & 1 & 10 \\
      102 & homework & 1 &  9 \\
      103 & homework & 1 &  5 \\
      101 & homework & 2 &  8 \\
      101 & homework & 2 &  9 \\