  \frametitle{Non-Monotonic Behaviour}
    SQL queries using only the constructs introduced so far 
    compute \emph{monotonic functions} on the database state: 
      \item if further rows gets \emph{inserted},\\
            these queries yield a \emph{superset} of rows.

  However, not all queries behave monotonically in this way.

  \begin{exampleblock}{Example of a non-monotonic query}
    Query: find students who have not submitted any homework.
      \item Currently, \sql{Bart Simpson} would be a correct answer.  
      This answer is no longer valid after:\\
        \sql{insert into Results values (104, \textquotesingle{}homework\textquotesingle{}, 1, 8)}

  Such \emph{non-monotonic} queries \emph{cannot} be formulated with the SQL constructs that we have seen so far.