    Since there is still the separate table \sql{Instructors},
    \emph{insertion and deletion anomalies are avoided.}
    But there will be \alert{\emph{update anomalies}} 
    (changing a single phone number requires the update of many rows).    
  The performance gain is thus paid for with
    \item a more complicated application logic\\ (e.g., the need for triggers)
    \item risk that a faulty application turns the DB inconsistent

  Denormalization may not only be used to avoid joins:
      Complete \emph{separate, redundant tables} may be created (increasing
      the potential for parallel operations).
      Columns may be added which \emph{aggregate} information in other columns/rows.
%     (\emph{e.g.}, store the current \sql{BALANCE} in
%     a \sql{CUSTOMER} table that also records \sql{PAYMENT}s and \sql{INVOICE}s).