    If a ``good'' ER schema is transformed into the relational model,
    the result will \emph{satisfy all normal forms} (4NF,
    BCNF, 3NF).

  A normal form violation detected in the generated
  relational schema indicates a \emph{flaw} in the input ER design.
  This needs to be corrected on the ER level.

  \begin{exampleblock}{FDs in the ER model}
    The ER equivalent of the very first example in this chapter:
      \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={link}]
        \node[entity] (customer) {Courses};
        \node[attribute] [above left of=customer,node distance=1.7cm,shift={(-5mm,-3mm)}] {\key{courseNr}} edge (customer);
        \node[attribute] [above of=customer,node distance=1.3cm] {title} edge (customer);
        \node[attribute] [left of=customer,node distance=2.1cm,yshift=-1mm] {phone} edge (customer);
        \node[attribute] [below left of=customer,node distance=1.5cm] {instructor} edge (customer);
      The FD $\text{instructor} \to \text{phone}$ leads to a
      violation of BCNF in the resulting table for entity Courses.
      \alert{Also in the ER model, FDs between attributes of an entity set
      should be implied by a key constraint.}