  \frametitle{Multivalued Dependencies}

    The table contains redundant data \& must be split.
        \hd{\underline{employee}} & \hd{\underline{programmingLanguage}} 
        John Smith  & C      \\
        John Smith  & C++    \\
        Maria Brown & Prolog \\
        Maria Brown & Java   \\
        \hd{\underline{employee}} & \hd{\underline{dbms}} 
        John Smith  & Oracle     \\
        John Smith  & MySQL        \\
        Maria Brown & PostgreSQL \\

  Note: table may only be decomposed if 
  \sql{programmingLanguage} and \sql{dbms} are \emph{independent}; otherwise \emph{loss of information}.\\
    E.g. it may not be decomposed if the semantics of the table is 
    that the employee knows the interface between the language and the database.