  \frametitle{BCNF Synthesis Algorithm: Example}

    Consider $R = (A,B,C,D,E)$ with the canonical set of FDs
      A \to D &&
      B \to C &&
      B \to D &&
      D \to E
    Here $\{\,A,B\,\}$ is the only minimal key. \pause Is $R$ in BCNF? \pause No.
      \item Maximise the right-hand sides of the FDs:
          A \to D,E &&
          B \to C,D,E &&
          D \to E
      \item \pause Split off violating FD's one by one:
          \item $\mathcal{S} = \{\, R_0(\ul{A},\ul{B},C,D,E) \,\}$
          \item $A \to D,E$ violates BCNF of $R_0$
          \item $\mathcal{S} = \{\, R_0(\ul{A},\ul{B},C),\; R_1(\ul{A},D,E) \,\}$
          \item $B \to C,D,E$ violates BCNF of $R_0$
          \item $\mathcal{S} = \{\, R_0(\ul{A},\ul{B}),\; R_1(\ul{A},D,E),\; R_2(\ul{B},C) \,\}$
          \item $D \to E$ violates BCNF of $R_1$ 
          \item $\mathcal{S} = \{\, R_0(\ul{A},\ul{B}),\; R_1(\ul{A},D),\; R_2(\ul{B},C),\; R_3(\ul{D},E) \,\}$\pause\ - done!
  Note that we lost the dependency $B \to D$!  