  \frametitle{Consequences of Bad DB Design}

  \emph{Redundant storage is bad} for several reasons:
    \item it \emph{wastes storage space}
    \item difficult to ensure \emph{integrity} when updating the database
        \item all redundant copies need to be updated
        \item \emph{wastes time}, inefficient
  \item need for \emph{additional constraints} to guarantee integrity
      \item ensure that the redundant copies indeed agree
      \item e.g. the constraint $\sql{instructor} \to \sql{phone}$
    \emph{General FDs} are \emph{not} supported by \emph{relational databases}.
    The solution is to transform FDs into \emph{key constraints}.\\
    This is what \emph{database normalization} tries to do.