  \frametitle{Multi-Valued Attributes}

    \emph{Multi-valued attribute} $A$ of an entity set $E$ is represented
    by \mpause[1]{a \emph{separate table} with:
      \item columns for the primary key of $E$, and
      \item a column for the attribute value
    Each single value of the multi-valued attributes gets its own row.%

  \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={link}]
    \node[entity] (customer) {customer};
    \node[attribute] (id) [at=(customer),shift={(-1cm,1cm)}] {\key{id}} edge (customer);
    \node[attribute] (name) [at=(customer),shift={(1cm,1cm)}] {name} edge (customer);
    \node[multi attribute] (phone) [at=(customer),shift={(3.5cm,0cm)}] {phone-number} edge (customer);

        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Customer}        \\ \hline
        \hd{\key{id}} & \hd{name} \\ \hline 
        1 & Smith  \\
        2 & Jones \\
        3 & Brown \\
        4 & Ford  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phone-number}        \\ \hline
        \hd{\key{id}$\;\to\;$Customer} & \hd{\key{number}} \\ \hline 
        1 & 06-19348472  \\
        1 & 0346-928475 \\
        3 & 06-13783933  \\
        3 & 0238-187333  \\
        3 & 0192-937189  \\

  \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={link},d/.style={node distance=1cm}]
    \node[entity] (person) {person};
      \node[attribute,right of=person,d,xshift=1cm] (name) {name} edge (person);
      \node[attribute,left of=person,d,xshift=-1cm] (id) {\key{id}} edge (person);

    \node[entity,at=(person),shift={(-1.5cm,-2.4cm)}] (employee) {employee};
      \node[attribute,above left of=employee,node distance=1.6cm,xshift=-.5cm] (salary) {salary} edge (employee);

    \node[entity,at=(person),shift={(1.5cm,-2.4cm)}] (customer) {customer};
      \node[attribute,above right of=customer,node distance=1.6cm,xshift=.5cm] (credit-rating) {credit-rating} edge (customer);

    \node[isa,at=(person),shift={(0cm,-0.8cm)}] {ISA} edge (person) edge (employee) edge (customer);
