  \frametitle{ER Models vs. UML Class Diagrams}

  \begin{goal}{Binary Relationships with Attributes}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={link},node distance=22mm,>=triangle 45,inner sep=.5mm]
        \node[relationship] (R) {R};
        \node (l) [left of=R,entity] {E1}; \draw (R) -- node[above,pos=.4] {role1} (l); 
        \node (r) [right of=R,entity] {E2}; \draw (R) -- node[above,pos=.4] {role2} (r);

        \node [attribute,above left of=R,yshift=2mm] {a1} edge (R);
        \node [attribute,above right of=R,yshift=2mm] {a2} edge (R);
    \umlassocclass[width=5mm,geometry=|-|,x=1.75cm, y=-1.5]{R}{assoc-1}{a1\\a2}{} 
    \item If the relationship set has attributes, 
          then the name of the relationship set is written in a box 
          together with the attributes of the relation.
    \item The box is then connected using a dashed line to the
          line corresponding to the relationship set.