  \frametitle{Total Participation}
    \emph{Total participation}
    means that every entity in the entity set participates in at least one relationship
    in the relationship set.
      \item e.g. every loan must be belong to at least one customer
      \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={link}]
        \node[entity] (customer) {customer};
        \node[attribute] (id) [above left of=customer,node distance=1.7cm,shift={(-2mm,-3mm)}] {\key{id}} edge (customer);
        \node[attribute] (name) [above of=customer,node distance=1.3cm] {name} edge (customer);
        \node[attribute] (street) [left of=customer,node distance=2.1cm] {street} edge (customer);
        \node[attribute] (city) [below left of=customer,node distance=1.7cm] {city} edge (customer);

        \node[entity,right of=customer, node distance=6cm] (loan) {loan};
        \node[attribute] (loan-number) [above of=loan,node distance=1.2cm] {\key{loan-number}} edge (loan);
        \node[attribute] (amount) [below right of=loan,node distance=1.7cm,xshift=-5mm] {amount} edge (loan);

        \node[relationship] (does) at ($(customer)!.5!(loan)$) {borrower} 
          edge node [above,pos=.6] {\alert{\textbf{1}}\sldots N} (customer) 
          edge node [above,pos=.6] {0\sldots M} (loan);
  Alternative notation:\hspace{.5cm}
  \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={link},baseline=-1ex]
    \node[entity] (customer) {customer};
    \node[entity,right of=customer, node distance=6cm] (loan) {loan};
    \node[relationship] (does) at ($(customer)!.5!(loan)$) {borrower} 
      edge (customer) 
      edge [double,double distance=1] (loan);
    \emph{Partial participation} means that entities may not participate
    in any relationship in the set.

\theme{Relationship Sets with Attributes}