  \frametitle{Multiple Keys}
  A relation may have \textbf{more than one minimal key}.
    In the relational model, one key is designated as
    \textbf{primary key.} A primary key \textbf{cannot be null.}
  All other keys are called \textbf{alternate} or \textbf{secondary keys.}

    The primary key attributes are often marked by \textbf{underlining}: % them in the relation schema specifications:\vspace{-.5ex}
    R(\underline{A_1}, \dots, \underline{A_k}, A_{k+1},\dots,A_n)
    Here $\{\, A_1,\ldots,A_k \,\}$ is the primary key of $R$.
  It is good design practice to define a primary key that
      consists of a \textbf{single (simple) attribute} only,
      is \textbf{never updated}.
%   \pause
%     \item better for indexing and retrieving items
  This is good for 
    \item consistency (applications might store the key), and
    \item indexing and retrieving items.
  %   \begin{quiz}{0.9\textwidth}{Primary keys}
  %     What might be the rationale behind this design advice?
  %   \end{quiz}