  \frametitle{Minimality of Keys}

          \multicolumn{3}{c}{Students}        \\ \hline
          \hd{\underline{sid}} & \hd{first} & \hd{last} \\ \hline
          103 & Lisa & Simpson \\ 
          104 & Bart & Simpson \\ 
          106 & Bart & Smit  \\ 
    What keys satisfy the key constraints?\vspace{-.75ex}%
    \item \{\sql{sid}\} \onslide<9->{\alert{minimal}}
    \item \{\sql{first}, \sql{last}\} \onslide<9->{\alert{minimal}}
    \item \{\sql{sid}, \sql{first}\}
    \item \{\sql{sid}, \sql{last}\}
    \item \{\sql{sid}, \sql{first}, \sql{last}\}

  \begin{block}{Implication between key constraints}
    If $A$ is a key and $A \subsetneq B$, then $B$ is also a key. \\
    The key $B$ is \emph{weaker} (more database states are valid) than $A$.
  Any superset of a key is itself a key.  
    A key $\{A_1, \dots, A_k\}$ is \textbf{minimal} if no proper subset is a key.\\
  In the literature, often keys are required to be minimal.