    A \textbf{key} of a relation $R$ is a set of attributes $\{\,A_1,\ldots,A_n\,\}$ that
    \textbf{uniquely identify} the tuples in $R$.
    The \emph{key constraint} is satisfied in the DB state $I$ if and only if
      $t.A_1 = u.A_1 \;\&\; \ldots \;\&\; t.A_n = u.A_n \quad\implies\quad t = u$
    for all tuples $t,u \in I(R)$. 
  So, different tuples differ in at least one of the values $A_1,\ldots,A_n$.
    If \sql{sid} is declared a key for \sql{Students}, this is \alert{illegal}:
          \multicolumn{4}{c}{Students} \\ \hline
          \hd{\underline{sid}} & \hd{first} & \hd{last} & \hd{address} \\ \hline
          101 & George & Orwell & \normalfont\ldots \\ 
          102 & Elvis & Presley & \normalfont\ldots \\ 
          101 & Lisa & Simpson & \normalfont\ldots \\ 
    Once a key has been declared the DBMS will refuse any insertion of tuples with duplicate key values.