  \frametitle{Data Types and Domains}

    The \emph{domain} $\dom{D}$ of a type $D$ is the set of possible values.

    \dom{\sql{int}} &= \{ \sql{-2147483648}, \dots, \sql{2147483647} \} \\
    \dom{\sql{numeric(2,0)}} &= \{ \sql{-99}, \dots, \sql{99} \} 
  SQL allows to define \textbf{application-specific domains} 
  as subsets of standard data types:
      \sql{create domain ExampleDomain as numeric(2,0)}
  We may even add constraints:
create domain ExampleDomain as numeric(2,0) check(value > 0)
  Domains are useful to document that two columns represent the same kind of objects and that comparisons are meaningful.