  \frametitle{SQL DDL (Data Definition Language)}
  \begin{code}{\textwidth}{Creating a table with constraints}
create table Solved (
  id       int          auto_increment,
  name     varchar(40)  not null,
  homework numeric(2,0) not null,
  points   numeric(2,0) not null check (points <= 10),
  primary key (id)
  Note the data types and constraints!

  \begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | c |}
  \\ \hline \rowcolor{mblue!40}
  \ul{id}  & name & homework & points 
  \\ \hline 
  \begin{exampleblock}{Creating a view}
create view SolvedHomework as
    select id, name, homework 
    from   Solved;

\theme{Concurrent Access \& Transactions}