  \begin{block}{A \emph{database (DB)} is a collection of data with}
%       \item a certain goal
      \item a certain logical structure
      \item a specific semantics
      \item a specific group of users
%       \item describing only certain aspects of the real world (universe of disclosure)
  \begin{block}{A \emph{database management system (DBMS)} allows to}
      \item \emph{create}, \emph{modify} and manipulate a database
      \item \emph{query} (retrieve) the data using a query language
      \item support \emph{persistent} storage of \emph{large amounts of data}
      \item enable \emph{durability} and \emph{recovery} from failure
      \item \emph{control access} to the data by many users in \emph{parallel}
          \item without unexpected interactions among users (\emph{isolation})
          \item actions on the data should never be partial (\emph{atomicity})