  \frametitle{Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph}
      \begin{scope}[cgreen,ultra thick]
         \draw (\xa,.5) to[out=80,in=130] (\xb,2) to[out=-50,in=-130] (\xc,1.8) to[out=50,in=180] (\xd,2.5)  to[out=-90,in=-130,looseness=1.5] (\xe,2.5) to[out=-70,in=180,looseness=1] (\xf,1.5) to[out=0,in=120] (\xg,0.5);
        \draw (\xa,.5) -- node[black,at end,below] {$a$} (\xa,-.2);
        \draw (\xb,2) -- node[black,at end,below] {$b$} (\xb,-.2);
        \draw (\xc,1.8) -- node[black,at end,below] {$c$} (\xc,-.2);
        \draw (\xd,2.5) -- node[black,at end,below] {$d$} (\xd,-.2);
        \draw (\xe,2.5) -- node[black,at end,below] {$e$} (\xe,-.2);
        \draw (\xf,1.5) -- node[black,at end,below] {$f$} (\xf,-.2);
        \draw (\xg,0.5) -- node[black,at end,below] {$g$} (\xg,-.2);
    On which interval is the curve concave up / concave down?
      \item on (a,b) \pause concave downward
      \item on (b,c) \pause concave upward
      \item on (c,d) \pause concave downward
      \item on (d,e) \pause concave upward
      \item on (e,f) \pause concave upward
      \item on (f,g) \pause concave downward