  \frametitle{Linear Approximation and Differentials}

  The method of linear approximation with differentials:
    f'(x) = \frac{dy}{dx}
  We view $dx$ and $dy$ as variables, then:
    dy = f'(x)\; dx
  So $dy$ depends on the value of $x$ and $dx$.
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
      \draw[cgreen,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-.5:3,samples=200] function{(x-1)**2};
      \node[include=cred] (a) at (1.5,.25) {};
      \draw[gray] (a) -- node [at end,below,black] {$x$} +(0,-.5);
      \draw[gray] (3,4) -- (3,-.25);
      \draw[gray,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt,mirror,raise=2pt}] (1.5,-.5) -- node[below,black,yshift=-2mm] {$\Delta x = dx$} (3,-.5);
      \draw[cred,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt,mirror,raise=10pt}] (3,.25) -- node[right,black,xshift=6mm] {$dy$} (3,1.75);
      \draw[cgreen,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt,mirror,raise=4pt}] (3,.25) -- node[right,black,xshift=4mm] {$\Delta y$} (3,4);
      \item $x =$ point of linearization
      \item $\Delta x = dx$ is the distance from $x$\\
      \item $dy =$ change of $y$ of tangent
      \item $\Delta y = $ change of $y$ of curve~$f$
    As formulas:
      \item $dy = f'(x)\; dx$
      \item $\Delta y = f(x +\Delta x) - f(x)$