  \frametitle{Derivative as a Function}

  Which of these functions is the derivative of the other?
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
      \draw[cgreen,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-1.6:1.6,samples=20] function{x**3 - x};
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
      \draw[cred,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-1.3:1.3,samples=20] function{2*x**2 - 1};
  The right is the derivative of the left:
    \item look at local maxima and minima of $f$; then $f'$ must be $0$ 
    \item where $f$ increases, $f'$ must be positive
    \item where $f$ decreases, $f'$ must be negative