  \frametitle{One-To-One Functions}

    How can we see from a graph if the function is one-to-one? 
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
    \draw[cgreen,name path=curve] plot[smooth,domain=-.5:5,samples=300] (\x,{3+.3*\x-.3*pow((\x-2),2)});
    \draw[cred,dashed,name path=line] (-.5,3) -- (5,3);
    \path [name intersections={of = curve and line}];
    \node[include=cred] at (intersection-1) {};
    \node[include=cred] at (intersection-2) {};
    \node at (2.25,-1.5) {not one-to-one};
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
    \draw[cgreen,name path=curve] plot[smooth,domain=0:4.1,samples=300] (\x,{2- .2*(\x-2) - .2*pow((\x-2),3)});
    \draw[cred,dashed,name path=line] (-.5,1.5) -- (5,1.5);
    \path [name intersections={of = curve and line}];
    \node[include=cred] at (intersection-1) {};
    \node at (2.25,-1.5) {one-to-one};
  \begin{block}{Horizontal Line Test}
    A function is one-to-one if and only if no horizontal line intersects its graph 
    more than once.