
    A function $f$ is called
      \item \emph{even} if $f(-x) = f(x)$ for every $x$ in its domain, and
      \item \emph{odd} if $f(-x) = -f(x)$ for every $x$ in its domain.
    \def\mfun{{-2 + pow(\x,2) - .08*pow(\x,4)}}
    \draw[cblue,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-3:3,samples=100] (\x,\mfun);
    \node[include=cblue] at (\x,\mfun) {};
    \node[anchor=south,yshift=.5mm] at (\x,\mfun) {$(x,f(x))$};
    \node[include=cblue] at (\x,\mfun) {};
    \node[anchor=south,yshift=.5mm] at (\x,\mfun) {$(-x,f(x))$};
      \draw[->,red,ultra thick] (.5,1) to[out=-90,in=-80] (-.5,1);
  an even function
    \def\mfun{{2*(\x - .3*pow(\x,3) + .025*pow(\x,5))}}
    \draw[cgreen,ultra thick] plot[smooth,domain=-3:3,samples=100] (\x,\mfun);
    \node[include=cgreen] (a) at (\x,\mfun) {};
    \node[anchor=south,yshift=.5mm] at (\x,\mfun) {$(x,f(x))$};
    \node[include=cgreen] (b) at (\x,\mfun) {};
    \node[anchor=north,yshift=-.5mm] at (\x,\mfun) {$(-x,-f(x))$};

      \draw[->,red,ultra thick] (.5,1) to[out=-90,in=-80] (-.5,1);
      \draw[->,red,ultra thick] (-1,.5) to[out=0,in=10] (-1,-.5);
      \draw[orange,ultra thick] (a) -- (b);
  an odd function
    \item even functions are mirrored around the $y$-axis
    \item odd functions are mirrored around the $y$-axis and $x$-axis\\
          (or mirrored through the point $(0,0)$)