\begin{frame}{Bounded Tiling Problem is NP-complete}
  \begin{block}{Proof continued\ldots}
    Then, for input $x = a_1\cdots a_k$ and with the indicated starting row:
      \alert{\text{$n\times n$ field can be tiled \quad$\iff$\quad $x \in L(M)$}}
    Every tiling simulates a computation of $M$ on input $x$.
    The computation takes at most $p(k)$ steps.
    So the \alert{computation fills only $p(k) < n$ rows of the tiling}.

    Hence, the $n \times n$ tiling can only be completed using
    which exists only for \alert{$q \in F$}.

    Tiling can be finished \\
    \ \hfill$\iff$ $M$ has an accepting computation for input $x$.