\begin{frame}{Bounded Tiling Problem}
    Given a finite collection of \emph{types} of $1 \times 1$ \emph{tiles} with a \emph{colour} on each side.
    (There are infinitely many tiles of each type.) 
    \emph{Bonded tiling problem}: the input is
    $n \in \mathbb{N}$,
    a finite collection of types of tiles,
    the first row of $n$ tiles.

    \alert{Is it possible to tile an $n \times n$ field (with the given first row)?}
    When connecting tiles, the touching side must have the same colour.
    Tiles must not be rotated.

    Example $n = 2$:\vspace{-3.5ex}
        \node [scale=.7,anchor=north,rectangle] at (1,-.1) {first row};
        \node [scale=.7,anchor=north,rectangle] at (4,-.1) {incomplete tiling};
        \node [scale=.7,anchor=north,rectangle] at (7,-.1) {correct tiling};
